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Ever wish your fat would just melt away? That you’d wake up one day and it would all be gone as if by magic? We at New Image Med Spas may not be magicians, but we can make your fat disappear! Liquid Lipo is the latest and greatest liposuction method available. Our wand, the cannula, which is used to remove unwanted fat from the body, is half the size of a pencil, leaving a nearly invisible scar. The cannula is only one part of the procedure, though. The secret ingredient in Liquid Lipo is the fat-dissolving saline solution. The cannula and fat-dissolving solution work together to allow for smoother movement and greater quantities of fat removal. Because Liquid Lipo is such a gentle process, it is often an out-patient procedure. Patients are able to return to their daily activities within a day or two, earning Liquid Lipo the nickname of “Weekend Lipo.” You’ll see the benefits of Liquid Lipo at New Image Med Spas so quickly, you’ll swear it’s magic! Call today to make your appointment:407-830-8746
Gravity is necessary for life on Earth, but when it comes to physical appearance, it seems to be more of a necessary evil. As we age, gravity takes its toll, pulling our skin down until it begins to sag and wrinkle. New Image Medical Spa’s Orlando can help you defy gravity, though, with our facelift procedure!

In reality, gravity has very little to do with signs of aging. Genetics, sun exposure, individual lifestyle factors, and (of course) age contribute to sagging and wrinkled skin. Facelifts were developed to correct signs of aging on the face. This procedure involves the tightening of facial, neck skin and muscles, and the removal of excess skin to give people the youthful appearance they desire.

Don’t let aging get you down! New Image Medical Spa’s Orlando is here to help you reverse signs of aging with our facelift surgery. With us, you will be defying gravity in no time! Call today to schedule a consultation: 407-830-8746.

2Q==Physiognomy is an ancient practice that assesses a person’s character and personality by facial features. Big noses signify leadership; small noses signify a love of routine. Full lips suggest talkativeness; thin lips express a need for privacy. Strong chins are a sign of strength, power, and beauty, but receding chins are often considered a sign of weakness and laziness. Luckily, New Image Medical Spa’s Orlando offers mentoplasty, or chin augmentation, so no one will mistake you for weak or lazy again!

Chin augmentations help build a stronger profile and create a more beautiful appearance. At New Image Medical Spa, patients have two options: 1) Moving the chin bone forward, or 2) Adding a plastic chin implant. During your consultation, you and your doctor will determine what is the best option for you based on medical history and facial evaluation. Pain after surgery is minimal to moderate and may be controlled with medication. Bandages are typically removed within a week, so you’ll be able to show off your strong new chin in no time!

With a more prominent chin, people will recognize your strength and beauty when they look at you. Call New Image Medical Spa’s Orlando today for a consultant: 407-830-8746.

During the Summer do you find yourself having to shave your legs everyday because of all the short shorts, bathing suits, and other revealing attire that keeps us cool? It’s pretty darn annoying right? Well, there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of times you have to shave per week. That’s right, this makes showering a million times easier and quicker. Let me share with you the 7 tips I have found.

Exfoliate Your Legs

By exfoliating your legs with a scrub brush or bath pouf, and a product with salicylic acid or fruit enzymes, you are doing a couple different things that benefit the skin. First, exfoliating removes the top layer of dead skin making your legs smoother, your tan darker, and coaxes the hairs completely out of the follicle. By doing so you get all the leg hairs on the same growth cycle, and reveal the tiny hairs that would normally be trapped under dead skin. You will get a closer shave that lasts longer.

Take A Lesson From History

Old methods from before this clean shaven fad started are also great to try. All natural and gentler on the skin than the chemicals found in today’s products. For excess facial fuzz, try mixing besan, tumeric, and some water to the areas with hair. Let it dry and gently rub it off. Similarly, for the legs, mix cinnamon, sugar, and honey. Microwave the mixture on high for 2-3 minutes and apply a thin layer over the legs and let it dry.

Try Soy Ingredients

Recent studies have shown that lotions with soy can stunt the growth of hair and shrink the hair shaft. So, when hydrating your skin, it couldn’t hurt to give a product with soy a try and see if it works for you.

The Badger Brush

Those brushes that barbers use to wipe shaving cream onto men’s faces are perfect for getting a close shave. They are litlle rough brushes that you can use to lather on your shave gel. Men use them for a close facial shave, why not give it a try too. If someone knows shaving, it is hundreds of years of barbers.

Pay Attention To What You Eat

The Vitamin B6 can help fight back the fuzz. You can get it from meat and fish, bananas, watermelon, broccoli, cabbage, and carrots. These are pretty darn easy to fit into your diet so give this ,and reducing your intake of refined carbs, a try for healthier body and less stubble!

Choose Your Blade Wisely

All razors are not created equal, they make them with moisturizing strips, 4 blade, 5 blade, etc. Choose the best razor for your needs. If you have dry skin, the aid of moisturizing strips is ideal. If you have coarser hair, more blades will get a closer shave. Don’t just go buy some cheap disposable razors from the dollar store. This is your body, don’t just put it in danger recklessly.

This reminds me, don’t use your blades for more than a few months. They dull and become less effective, sometimes they can rust or become jagged making them dangerous. Try to change out the blades more than once every 6 months.

Literally And Metaphorically Go Against The Grain

Depending on your skin and hair, going against the grain can produce ingrown hairs. However, this usually isn’t too much of a problem on the legs. Going against the grain of the hair will get you a closer shave, and so will using a fresh blade. But that can be excessively expensive so I do not recommend it. If you want an even easier routine, you can try alternatives to shaving. There are laser hair removal treatments you can get which is the easiest and most permanent method. But, there is also waxing and removal lotions, such as Nair. The only thing is, these alternatives can be a bit harsh on the skin. so be careful and test the products before using them all over your legs.

And There we have it, 7 different ways to shave less often. Given them a try and see how they work for you. Keep in mind that everyone is different so these methods may not all work for you, but anything is worth a shot right? So stick to these tips and see which work for your stubborn stubble.

Your mother may have been wrong when she said you needed to drink eight glasses of water a day, but she was right about staying hydrated. Staying hydrated has a host of benefits for your body, including beautiful skin. New Image Medical Spa Orlando’s HyrdaFacial treatment works to hydrate your skin while simultaneously detoxifying, rejuvenating, and protecting it.

The HydraFacial treatment is the newest advance in non-laser skin resurfacing. HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating. The HydraFacial treatment improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation, and brown spots.

With New Image Medical Spa Orlando’s HydraFacial, you will have younger, more beautiful skin—and with no downtime! Call today to make your appointment: 407-830-8746.

Happy Fathers Day!  Yesterday was the day to celebrate the dads in our lives.  Sometimes we forget that dads may feel self-conscious about their appearance. Maybe they have that same five pounds they’ve been carrying around for years that they just can’t lose. Others may cover up areas where they have unwanted, thick hair. Some may feel self-conscious about how much they perspire. At New Image Medical Spas we offer treatments and procedures to give dads their self-confidence back.

Screen-Shot-2015-04-09-at-12.39.03-PM-copy-1024x1024Coolsculpting is a quick, non-invasive treatment that helps eliminate the stubborn fat that exercise can’t. Other fat removal procedures use lasers and surgery that can destroy healthy tissue by burning and shattering non-fat cells. Coolsculpting uses a targeted cooling process that freezes and kills just the fat cells leaving the healthy cells intact.  Once the fat cells die, they are naturally eliminated from the body.  Thanks to this one-of-a-kind procedure, over 1.5 million people from around the world have been able to remove their stubborn fat.

The New Image Medical Spas offers the breakthrough hair removal treatment called intense pulsed light (IPL).  This treatment is used on men and women of all different skin types and on all body areas. Anywhere – from small areas, such as the upper lip, to large areas like the full back – IPL can be used safely. With a full series of treatments, patients are seeing 80-90% long term hair loss.

miraDry is an outpatient procedure used to reduce underarm perspiration.  It eliminates underarm sweat glands by delivering electromagnetic energy to the underarm area.  While other treatments seek to temporarily disable the sweat glands, miraDry provides a long-lasting reduction of the sweat glands.

Call New Image Medical Spas Orlando office today to schedule your FREE CONSULTATION: 407-830-8746

First 25 callers receive up to 25% off from June 21st to June 30th (Subject to approval upon consultation)


In today’s world, we want it all, and we want it all fast. Since the conception of smart phones, we’re used to having everything we need at our fingertips in one device—wouldn’t it be nice if there was something like that to improve our appearance? One device that does it all, and does it all fast? Luckily, Forever Young and Trim has MediLift, a non-invasive device that sculpt9k=s nearly the entire body and can be completed during your lunch hour!

MediLift is an efficient and effective machine that has been developed for a non-surgical face lift and non-invasive body contouring without pain or downtime. It is a proprietary five wavelength device that can be used to reduce circumference, tighten, and tone skin as well as breakdown and mobilize fat almost anywhere on the body. This body sculpting device has been used throughout the world to sculpt the body (hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, love handles), reduce cellulite on the legs, and as a non-surgical face lift alternative.

Forever Young and Trim MediLift method is safe, affordable, and eliminates any of the risks associated with surgery. There is no pain, no surgery and no downtime. So what are you waiting for? Call today for some instant gratification: 954-440-1820.

It’s always bikini season in Florida, which means we constantly have to look our best. Wearing a bathing suit can be daunting for both men and women, especially if we are self-conscious about protruding midsections. New Image Medical Spa’s Orlando is here to help you gain confidence by removing your unwanted tummy!

Abdominoplasty, AKA a tummy tuck, was designed to flatten a protruding abdomen through the tightening of abdominal wall muscles and removal of excess fatty tissue and skin. However, this procedure is not a substitute for weight loss; it is meant to improve the shape of the body by narrowing and flattening the abdomen. Because of this, the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is an individual of normal weight who suffers from weak abdominal muscles and excess skin and fat in the abdominal region.

Tummy tucks are invasive procedures, so they typically require 7-10 days of recovery time plus several weeks of wearing compression garments. After your recovery is complete, though, we guarantee you will experience a new-found confidence in your body and yourself. Call New Image Medical Spa’s Orlando today to schedule your consultation: 407-830-8746

TbpK5dspPqrbTUen6C_FWJeO1-2rvzgiCFZy6TR0fH4You can’t talk about plastic surgery without mentioning Botox. New Image Medical Spa offers this popular procedure, but what exactly is Botox? New Image Medical Spa is here to inform you:

Botox is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. Botox is administered as a simple, nonsurgical treatment that is injected directly into the muscles between the brows. It works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle activity that causes moderate to severe lines to form between the brows. New Image Medical Spas will make you look younger with reduction in forehead, frown line wrinkles, crow’s feet and fine lines. Our professional team will recommend which treatment is right to get your desired results.

Want to learn more or try out Botox for yourself? Call New Image Medical Spa’s today for a consultation: 407-830-8746

12039936_sGetting older means having a lifetime of adventure behind you and even more ahead of you! Those past adventures filled with fun and laughter can start showing on your face, though, especially around the eyes. Dark circles from sleepless all-night road trips, fine lines from laughing so hard you cried, and wrinkles from those many days of forgetting sunblock can start to become more noticeable as we age. Luckily, New Image Medical Spa’s eye lid surgery can make you look even better on your future adventures! 

Blepharoplasty (eye lid surgery) works to correct problems areas around the eyes caused by genetics and sun exposure. Wrinkles, sagging, and dark circles around the eyes are eliminated by removing any excess skin and fat on the upper and lower eyelids. Although often done in conjunction with other lifting procedures, eye lid surgery itself leads to a more awake, youthful appearance.

Be adventurous! Call New Image Medical Spa today to schedule your consultation: 407-830-8746